Mission Spotlight – McCurdy Ministries

August 1, 2012 No Comments

Sharing the love of God through

education and mission


First United Methodist Church, Los Alamos has financially supported McCurdy Ministries (formerly known as McCurdy School) for many years. In addition, numerous individuals from the church have participated in Volunteers In Mission (VIM) to McCurdy.

The mission of McCurdy Ministries is to extend “God’s love, grace and help to children, youth and families in the Espanola Valley, through quality educational and life enrichment programs which instill hope, and allow them to live into the future God has for them.  As a United Methodist faith-based organization we will live out our calling to serve the children, youth and families of the Espanola Valley.  We will build lasting partnerships with those we serve and engage them in support of our mission.  We will offer opportunities for others to live out their God-given call to serve others.  We will offer counseling, technology training, early childhood education, performing and visual arts, Christian studies and other co-curricular and extra-curricular activities designed to enhance and strengthen character, mind, body, and spirit.”

In Espanola the need for McCurdy Ministries is great because according to the U.S. Census Bureau 2010 statistics, 25% of adults over 25 have not graduated from high school, the per capita income is $19,703 and over 25% of the population lives below the poverty line.

Here are several ways to support McCurdy Ministries:

  • Make a donation of cash, stocks, land or an appreciated asset.
  • Collect Campbell’s Labels and Box Tops for Education.
  • Organize a Volunteers In Mission (VIM) team from the church.
  • Pray for the school daily
To learn more about Volunteers in Mission and McCurdy Ministries, visit their website www.mccurdy.org


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